About Titahi Bay Boating Club
TBBC is a community-focused sailing club in Titahi Bay, with a focus on safe and friendly sailing opportunities for people of all ages, genders and ethnicities. The shores of Onepoto Harbour offer a sheltered venue in an otherwise windy region.
We currently schedule sailing on Saturdays during Summer, and Sundays during Winter, for both casual sailors and weekend warriors locally and from nearby suburbs.
If you are interested in sailing, or our club, please visit us during one of our regularly scheduled club sailing events, and introduce yourself!
Want to sail but don't own a boat? We have many sailboats for hire at very affordable rates.
Watch this space for future information on Learn-to-Sail and Have-A-Go opportunities.

TBBC Officers & General Committee
Nick Vause
Vice Commodore
Graham Hook
Steve Barnsley
David Arrowsmith
General Committee Members:
Alex Macdonald
Dean Porter
Don Manning
Jill Knowles
John Hornblow